Job Title : Software Engineer
Location : Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Skill Set : Java,C, HTML, XML, Python, C++, JS, PHP
Education : a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in Computer Information Systems or a closely related field
Specific Job Responsibilities :
- Participate in weekly mobile planning session, daily standup meetings (scrum meetings)
- Create test plans and test suite associated with each release and add it to the VSTS
- Perform various manual enhancement and regression testing activities associated with each release of the application.
- Create and perform load test on various web services associated with the mobile application.
- Involve in setting up the automation testing environment for mobile UI testing and adding test scripts which replicates the test cases in the regression suite
- Involve in setting up the continuous integration pipeline so that code check-ins are verified by an automated build
- Involve in research of cloud based mobile application automated testing platforms such as Sauce Labs and Browser Stack
- Involve in enhancements to the existing test scripts to fulfill the integration with Sauce Labs
- Integration of Sauce Labs with the advantage of parallel testing so that the tests can be executed on various emulators and real devices with platformand OS specifications
- Involve in adding various dependencies to the automation framework to cater the reporting and test data extraction needs
- Involve in modifying the framework to accommodate parallel automation testing
- Involve in building and modifying SQL queries in order to validate data in MS SQL database
How to Apply: Fax Resume to Friendly Consultants Inc. at 800-471-9415.