Job Title : Software Engineer
Location : Minneapolis, MN 55404
Education : a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in Computer Information Systems or a closely related field
Specific Job Responsibilities :
- Analyze the user stories for the test scripts development and in a Behavior Driven Development format.
- Develop Automation framework using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG Framework by adding some helper classes and methods.
- Maintain the Java and selenium test source code in the GIT source control repository tool.
- Implement TestNG automation framework for Smoke Test to ascertain that the crucial functions of the application work and implemented Regression Test to detect bugs after enhancement and configuration settings of the code.
- Develop test cases in the Behavior Driven Development approach using the Given When and Then scenarios for any given test case.
- Use POSTMAN, REST Assured, SOAP UI to provide the performance metrics of an applications in terms of Load and response time for the application endpoints
How to Apply: Fax Resume to Friendly Consultants Inc. at 800-471-9415.